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bankHometown Commits $150K to New Worcester Chamber Fund

Oxford, Massachusetts — June 3, 2024

Local businesses have always been the backbone of our local economy. That’s why it was an easy decision for us to commit $150,000 to a new fund established by the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce for strategic economic development and workforce initiatives in Central Massachusetts.

The Worcester Regional Strategic Opportunity Fund—formally named the Linda Salem Pervier Permanent Restricted Fund in honor of a longtime chamber employee— will allow the chamber to pursue economic development including business recruitment and workforce needs while remaining within the chamber’s annual operating budget, according to Chamber President and CEO Timothy P. Murray. The organization already has raised nearly $2.5 million of the $3 million goal it set for the end of 2025, when the chamber celebrates its 150th anniversary.

For bankHometown, being an early supporter and pacesetting sponsor is in line with its focused commitment on supporting economic growth and development through its charitable giving program, The Giving Tree. According to bank President and CEO Robert J. Morton, the bank takes its commitment to supporting small business seriously, whether that’s through donations like this one, its Small Business Initiative lending program, or Morton’s own time spent mentoring young entrepreneurs through the Entrepreneurship for All organization.

“Helping to unlock the potential for additional economic development in the Worcester region was an easy decision for bankHometown,” Morton said. “We’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact that the chamber’s programs and initiatives have on area small businesses and the resulting positive effect on our local economy. We’re happy to continue supporting them in their mission.”

Chamber President and CEO Timothy P. Murray says that the fund will allow the chamber to be both nimble in pursuing economic development including business recruitment and workforce needs while remaining fiscally prudent with the chamber’s annual operating budget.

“bankHometown was one of the first businesses to respond to this important initiative,” said Murray. “We are grateful to both President and CEO Rob Morton and the bankHometown board for their support. The Linda Salem Pervier Permanent Restricted Fund will be a catalyst for economic activity and workforce initiatives which strengthen the 40 communities within our Chamber service area.”

Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce

In the Photo
bankHometown Executive Vice President, Senior Loan Officer Michael P. Mahlert; Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Timothy P. Murray; bankHometown President & CEO Robert J. Morton; bankHometown Senior Vice President, Commercial Lending, Jane W. Loranger.

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